× ×New values
Waste disposal charges
Hein Htet Lin
This photo expresses the new value that was found during the site visit in Yokoyama. In Japan, we can see the systematic way of segregating wastes into the categorized trash bins such as plastic wastes, bottles or cans, flammable wastes and inflammable wastes. Not only that, the trash has to be thrown out according to the dates of each week; for instance, glass and bottles on Tuesday, plastic wastes on Wednesday and so forth. If they are known thrown on the registered days, they will not be collected and get even fined. In the same way, big wastes such as mattress or kitchen appliances have to been thrown away on the right dates just like the other wastes. However, the new value what I got from this waste segregation is no other than the extra fees that have to be paid for those kinds of big wastes. If the extra fees are not paid, they will not be collected. The different colours of stamps are put on the big wastes in accordance with the size. The smaller the size of the waste, the less money that has to be paid and the bigger- the more money. In the photo, the smaller item has to be for 200 Yens but the mattress has to be paid for 2200 Yens. So, this can be seen as the new value for me as we do not have to pay for the extra charges for the bigger wastes.
In which way are you throwing such kinds of big wastes?