× ×New values
MUSUEM visit
New Values : From Tokyo to Yangon

Edo-Tokyo Museum
Established in March 1993.
Visitors can see the history and culture of Edo-Tokyo.
The museum specialized in the history of the city due to an aesthetic ideal distinct to Edo.
Located in Sumida-ku, Tokyo.

Natsumi (left) and Ingyin (right) found the new values at Edo-Tokyo Museum. What Ingyin had found new values was …
She found many pictures of “Ukiyoe”, female beauties while queuing the lines to meet destinations before she came to the entrance of Edo Museum
She`s got an experience about the difference such as their living systems ,their casual wearing styles and processing of their ancient genre houses between modern Tokyo and antique Tokyo.
She had come across with “Kabuki” which is very popular as an entertainment that male performers acted like female ones by wearing Kimonos (Japanese girl costumes) and putting white make up.
“Building friendship is no matter on diversities and may begin from a single “tea”
・Established in 1957
・Visitors can see the all the Myanmar history, culture and artifact through eras.
・The museum is a 5-floor-building,each floor exhibits various kinds of fascinating contents ranging from the prehistoric matters to the history throughout different eras.
・Located in Dagon, Yangon.

“ 4 people, 2 flags, 1 team ….”
Mizuki, Ingyin, Natsumi and Alex (from left to right) had discovered many surprising things that there are many kinds of ethnics in Myanmar and their local things are exhibited in the museum. From fossils to thrones, the museum surprised us with many wonders. In addition, Natsumi had learnt the new things; giving water to public people has following 10 benefits,
1)Live last longer 2)Born with a beautiful face 3)Be wealthy 4)Be strong 5)Be powerful 6)Be wise 7)Full prosperity of food 8)Deprived of diseases 9)Get everything it wishes 10)Full of guards
It means water had been recognized as significant in Myanmar since old days.
Group4: Mizuki Hagiwara, Natsumi Okamoto, Ingyin Phyu, Phone Thet Oo

National Museum of Myanmar
The Living Past In The Presence,
Bridging It To The Future
As we walk through the long halls,we could feel the sense of past while living in the presence. We kept on walking and what we explore are even more essence of our past, our culture, our symbolism of our nation.These are the halls of National Museum Yangon,located in Dagon, Yangon where the past of Burma still lives. Our culture group of both Myanmar and Japan had this site visit with the IDFC 2019 program and even Japanese participants could feel ,the values of Burma. We could have all these authentic reflection of the memories which is from historical times to the recent past by having preserved, researched and finally experience them in the museum with the purpose of education and enjoyment. It was founded in 1952. This new five story National Museum has been open to public since 18 September 1996.After seeing the origins of Myanmar alphabets and others, we talk , we walk.Then we took a step to a room having the sense that something is off. Then we behold the magnificent Royal Lion Throne of our last monarch King Thibaw in all its original majesty, looking up to the superiors from the past. And so we walk , we walk with enjoyment, excitement with deep interest in each then we walk up the stairs uprising like a future yet coming to have more interest even deeper journey to the past.
Through the site visit in Japan we found that some of beautiful Japanese culture still stays same until now and some were evolved as time changes. The Tokyo Metropolitan Edo-Tokyo Museum which located in Tokyo opened its doors in March 1993. In the Museum we can reflect on the history and culture of Edo,Tokyo, and envision the city and life of future. The exhibition showcasing original objects and replicas take us a journey through 400-year history of japan from Edo period to the presence. The Edo-period is from 1603-1868 which exist about 260 years of time, that period is not long period of time but the period developed the unique Japanese original culture. Therefore by visiting museum teach us the changes of our life style and also the changes of City of Tokyo itself. In the museum, Japanese traditional artworks such as Ukiyoe, architecture, cultural heritage and commercial situation and more is exhibiting. After visiting the museum, we felt that Japanese traditional art culture which developed in Edo-period such as Sumo.
Experiencing this impressive existence of these museums, realizing all the potential of diverse cultural value, it is a place where all past,present and future meet for us.
”Nothing has been more astonishing to see a BRIDGE in a museum” Myanmar Participants
"The gorgeous throne was impressive thing what we can Reflect the ancient period ." Japan Participants
Group6: Keina Sumitomo, Yuka Akiyama, Hein Thu Soe, Arkar Maung Maung