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Elevators & Escalators in the Shwedagon Pagoda
Mizuki Hagiwara

I took the above picture in the east entrance of Shwedagon Pagoda, and it shows the escalator. As you know, there are elevators at all the entrances. This suggests that if you were the people who had a difficulty to walk at stairs like you were disabled and used a wheelchair, you could enter the Pagoda. So how come this photo became my New Value?
Here, I can show you the audiences one example in Japan. The City of Nagoya (名古屋 in Japanese), located in the middle of Japan has the huge castle named as the Nagoya Castle, It has been around 500 years old since it was established by the lord around there in the 16th century, that is, it could be described as an extremely historical and cultural building. The castle has 5 floors and the top of the floor, there is large room like an observation deck. As it was built in the old era, there are not elevators and escalators but stairs.
With the promotion for the impediment removal, some started to claim that elevators and escalators should be set in there for this situation. Meanwhile, some are against their opinions because it is very historical and setting them could be the destruction of this. Now, their struggles do not reach at the end and it still continues.
When it comes to the Shwedagon Pagoda, you could say it is extraordinarily historical, cultural and religious, according to its very history. Still, however, you can see the elevators and escalators, and you can also find the prayers who are on the wheel chairs. The realisation of the inclusion.
The Shwedagon Pagoda has an enough room to make elevators and escalators and this might be why they can exist, but if it were very small, would you agree or disagree to erect elevators and escalators there? This is just the choice between conservation of historical things and social inclusion.