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Let's Tour around the Nippon City!!
May Phyo Paing

This photo was taken on our 2nd day while we visited to "Edo Museum" in Tsumida-ku, Japan. Before I visited Japan, I have heard about the bicycle rental service on TV news, so I was very much looking forward to experience this in reality.
Unlike Myanmar, bicycles can easily be hired everywhere in Japan and are located nearby the railway stations & bus-stops which makes Japanese people easily accessible to go from one place to another. I have also learnt from Japanese participants that the charges may vary according to how many hours that they are going to hire. If they hire the bicycles just for one hour, there will be no charges on the rental, but if it is hired for a day, the charges is higher range from the lowest 200 円 to the highest 3,000 円.
Typically, I have also learnt that those who rented the bicycles have to return to the bicycles to the same place that they hired. What is the most impressive part is that there can be seen the road-sign of the bicycle on every left-sides of the ground. When I asked Japanese participants, they said that cyclists have to ride the bicycles on the left-side of the road as per Japanese road-safety rules.
All in all, it is so surprising and very much impressive for me to see the systematic bicycle rental service in Japan and hopefully in future, I wish Myanmar should also implement such kind of system in Yangon for the easy access of the local people in Myanmar to tour around the city of golden land.