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Zyoukouro Clensing
Engyin Thaw

As you see, you might think this is just a photo of elegant Japanese lady in a Kimono might even blurry perhaps. But do take a closer look. All the other people wear Western styles in the background. That's a thing I'd like to show some insight about. In Myanmar, how many people do you think will wear traditional dress out of 10 people? Maybe 6 right? It might even reach to 7 or 8. But what about in Japan?
Not so much right?
But to my knowledge, I believe it's not an option.So why whereas they are both the traditional dress? You might think that maybe cause Kimono is hard to wear. Yes, it can be a factor.
“The weather”, only authentic kimonos are as warm as the western warm clothes. But for the not authentic oneit's not quite ok with the intense weather.
Aside from the hardship to wear, there is this price thing also that
During my visit according to Saki Nakasato, a local from Japan mentioned the average price of Kimono can be around 200000 Yen which is around 1800 dollar.
In Myanmar the longyi can only cost around 10000 ks equal to the 6.5 dollars. Of course it can also get high in proportionally to the quality but not close to the Kimono.
In Myanmar, the weather suits the longyi both for men and women. Besides the longyi can also be more comfortable to wear than trousers. Plus , one new thing is that Myanmar traditional dress can even be wore mixed with collar shirts mixing the culture whereas Kimono can not be quite so.
So it's just luck is felt to me that our country's attires still fit the weather even with the world moving forward.