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“The awakening smoke at Sensoji Temple”
Ingyin Phyu

This is a picture I took on the first day at the Asakasa Walking.When I first went to the Asakasa Walking, I have found that there are many historical new things that are really different from Yangon. Sensoji Temple is the landmark of Asakusa so many visitors come to there as a must place and it is one of the most attraction places among tourists in Japan. As soon as you arrive to the Sensoji Temple, I could see a huge crowd lining up to get to the main gate. I’ve seen many interesting places coming on the way like seeing people bathing smoke,seeing offering stick incense and seeing washing their hands in a decent way before going to the temple. The most exotic thing I‘ve got while in Japan was seeing the Japanese people bathing smoke and offering stick incense .At Sensoji Asakusa, most Japanese stop at the huge bronze incense burner, in front of the Main Hall, to bathe their hands and faces in the smoke-it’s a charm to ward off illnesses-before climbing the stairs to offer their prayers. I saw a large pot full of incense and fire as an very captivating analytical thing that people are standing all around it waving the smoke on to them.They have an aspiration as a very intention goal since people believe that bathing smoke can not only illuminate the good-well beings but also they believe like that this represents the mercy and bring wealth to their mindset.I’ve found new values that these religious antique things still accept and appreciate in the society even though there are a lot of modern changes in Japan.