× ×New values
Prevent the bad things before happen !
Wai Lwin Kyaw

I was surprised when I saw the well in Yokohama suddenly. It’s in the center of the ward we visited. In my opinion, even they have better technology to supply water to the society why did they construct a normal water well? And the citizen from Yokohama society said that it’s constructed as a prevention if there are diseases that spread the whole water source. Also if there are earthquakes that has high richter scale, the supply lines of water can be cut off. He told us that they need backup plans to prevent those kind of natural diseases. That’s why they build a human-build well. In case, the idea of the location of the well is also focused to the convenience of the society. I really admire for their idea and got the new values from this. Firstly, we need to think all the backup plans for every situations that can threaten us. Actually, I didn’t usually think about backup plans because I believe if I planned systematic for the things I have to do, there will be no problems at all. But in case, we have to think about the natural diseases as we can’t estimate that natural problems. That is my new value got from this picture. And I got a idea about we have to think about for the society we live in. Placing the community center, human-made water well and public park at the center of the ward make the society more convenient to use. It’s obvious that they think too much for the society they live in. So from this photo, I got a chance to understand that we need to contribute the society we live in and should set back-up plans for the possibilities of problem we can face.