× ×New values
The Heart of the School
Arkar Maung Maung

It was a great privilege for me to go there and pay a visit to this elementary school in Japan. The situation between Myanmar and Japan is so much different and it brings me a lot of inspiration in which I even got my new value from this school. I can say this as the heart of this school since I strongly believe that this is the root where the children starts getting the habit of reading books, where the children learn how to think and where the children apply how to be a good citizen.
This is the school library from small elementary school. Probably, this can be just the ordinary one but what make me amazed is that we cannot even see such proper library in Myanmar’s elementary schools. This is the authentic reason why Japanese students are very energetic and smart. This would be one of the reasons why Japanese are very popular in this world.
It is my primary belief that libraries play a fundamental role in society as gateways to knowledge and culture. Libraries also help ensure an authentic record of knowledge created and accumulated by past generations. In a world without libraries, it would be difficult to advance research and human knowledge or preserve the world’s cumulative knowledge and heritage for future generations.
When I was in this library, I saw that cute children around the ages of 7 to 9 came, read and see the pictures cheerfully. It is sincere that they really enjoy the moments in this library and make me reflected the libraries of our country again in which we should promote our libraries. This is the new value that I learned from Japanese elementary school and can be undeniably recognized as the heart of the school.